Saturday, October 30, 2010

A count of Installing Ubuntu 10.04

This was simple. It reminded of my college days when we had to do a lot more work while installing a linux version. Here are a few steps that me and my friends used to do then as I roughly recall (well, this was a decade ago) -
  1. Create the partitions on Hard Drive to accommodate both Linux and Windows.
  2. Get a bootable CD ROM. I had RedHat from my friend.
  3. Boot from CD.
  4. Install
  5. Try to locate missing drivers if some components don't work. After step 4, just pray that things would work else this step was more tedious.
Forward to now, I did this -
  1. Downloaded Ubuntu Installer for Windows from here. No HDD partitioning required. I already had Windows running. It is still just plain simple
  2. Install like any other Windows program
  3. Boot and you see Ubuntu alongside Windows. Done!
However, my wireless card wasn't working after install Ubuntu. Ubuntu just did not detect my wireless network. I thought I had to repeat my college step 5. However, I was lucky. After a lot of Googling, came across this post -

Just 3 commands fixed my wireless card issue with Ubuntu -
%sudo mkdir -p /etc/Wireless/RT2860STA/
%sudo touch /etc/Wireless/RT2860STA/RT2860STA.dat
%sudo service network-manager restart

The steps worked fine because my wireless card provider was RaLink and this was a Ubuntu workaround for that.


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