Friday, May 05, 2006

Birthday poem - Impossible is possible

The last line, "Impossible says I M Possible" is borrowed from some internet forward :)

Can anyone tell me what is a birthday
Is it supposed to be just another fun day?

Let me tell you what I think about it
For I in my 20s feel there's nothing to rock about it

This is the day when we turn an year elder
Fast must we run now as the time gets a bit older

The dreams that we thought when we were sixteen
Should be started as we are now no more a carefree teen

Fast must we evaluate to see if the dreams are still possible
Otherwise reevaluate what we think is just feasible

But what seems feasible today may seem tomorrow impossible
So do it dude what you thought at sixteen, coz even "Impossible says - I M Possible".


I think u r taking bdays quite negatively. Its not that u become a year elder but u get one more year to dream, to live and to laugh:)
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